The US Embassy Kigali, Rwanda announces that the 2023 TechGirls Application is open.
TechGirls is an international summer exchange program designed to empower and inspire young women from around the world to pursue careers in science and technology.
TechGirls is an Initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
In 2023, the program will support 111 young women from 35 participating countries/territories and 15 U.S. peers in a dynamic four week U.S.- based experience with a 7-month mentoring program (including pre- and post-exchange).
Since 2012, TechGirls has trained and mentored 528 teenage girls (ages 15-17). The program began supporting girls from the Middle East and North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, and Yemen). In 2019, the program expanded to include young women from Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan). In 2022, the program underwent a global expansion to begin serving girls in six world regions (Western Hemisphere, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and Eurasia, East Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, and South and Central Asia).
The core of the TechGirls program is a 25-day experience in the United States in partnership with Virginia Tech University. Participants will engage in an interactive technology and computer camp, then travel to one of the following cities (Austin, Chicago, Cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, or Seattle) for community and career exploration. The TechGirls programming yields a multiplier effect as participants return home to conduct community based projects with 7 months of mentorship.