The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) is recruiting competent staff for the following positions:

1) Legal & Regulatory Framework Development Specialist (2 Posts)
Minimum Qualifications:
-Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legal Practice, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legislative Drafting, 3 Years of relevant experience
2) Planning, M&E Specialist (1 Post)
Minimum Qualifications:
-Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Masters in Finance, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Project Management, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Public Policy, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Project Management, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Management, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Masters in Business Administration, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Economics, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Management, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Development Studies, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Statistics, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s degree in any other field with PMP or any project/planning related professional course certified by competent organs, 3 Years of relevant experience
3) Statistician (1 post)
Minimum Qualifications:
-Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics, 0 Year of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics, 0 Year of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science, 0 Year of relevant experience
4) Human Resources Management Specialist
Minimum Qualifications:
-Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Human Resource, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Management with a professional certification, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management with recognized Human Resource Professional Certification, 1 Year of relevant experience
-Degree in Public Administration with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Degree in Administrative Sciences with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Degree in Law with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification, 3 Years of relevant experience
-Degree in Management with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification, 3 Years of relevant experience
The Deadline for Application is Oct 6, 2022.