Register and participate in YouthConnekt Awards 2022.
The YouthConnekt award is organized by the Ministry of Youth, One UN Rwanda and other partners and stakeholders to recognize, promote and support young innovators in different fields.
For registration, Please visit:

What is YouthConnekt?
YouthConnekt is a Multifaceted Youth Empowerment Model. It is a platform designed to connect the youth for socio-economic transformation. As defined by the National Strategy for Transformation, the Rwandan greatest transformation actors are its youth. Yet, this abundant resource had been relatively untapped and facing cross-cutting issues such as limited access to finances, lack of entepreneurship skills, scarce employment opportunities, and often set apart from decision-making discussions.
As a result, these challenges obstruct the youth from meaningfully contributing to the social, economic and political transformation of their Country and continent at large.
In 2012, the Government of Rwanda partnered with UNDP to initiate the YouthConnekt programme that is a multifaceted youth empowerment model focused on leveraging youth employability, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement through innovation with a specific mission to serve as a portal of connecting youth with their peers, role models, skills and resources for their socio-economic empowerment.
YouthConnekt won different global and continental recognitions including the 2013 UNDP Africa Innovation Award, 2019 AG Fund Prize, the Future Policy Gold Award 2019 for Economic Empowerment of Youth as well as the official endorsement by the African Union. The program attracted different partners varying from Private sector, civil society, academia as well as development partners that optimized efforts of each actor towards youth empowerment goals.
YouthConnekt Awards 2022
The YouthConnekt Awards honour outstanding innovations by young Rwandans (ages 16-35). 50 Finalists are annually awarded with capital raising funds that support growth and expansion of their businesses with the aim to create more jobs for their peers.

The application and registration for YouthConnekt Awards 2022 is open from 7th to 16th September 2022. This year’s winners will be awarded 25,000,000 Frw.
For registration, Please visit